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    giovedì 17 ottobre 2013

    Versione 4.3 Beta con nuovi layouts per Swiftkey

    Dopo aver risolto qualche bug ed aver annunciato la versione cloud, gli sviluppatori di Swiftkey sono pronti per rilasciare una nuova versione dell’applicazione ulteriormente migliorata. Hanno, infatti, annunciato la Swiftkey 4.3, attualmente reperibile in versione beta. Si tratta di una versione completamente rivoluzionata che intrinseca una serie di novità che hanno lo scopo di migliorare ulteriormente l’esperienza utente in quella che è considerata da molti la migliore tastiera per smartphone sul mercato. Una delle novità più gradite sono sicuramente i nuovi layauts, suddivisi in diversi tipi, che danno la possibilità all'utente di utilizzare la tastiera nel modo che preferisce.
    Infatti ora si può spostarla sul display, dividerla, cambiarne la dimensione, visualizzarla sul bordo sinistro o destro del display e chi più ne ha più ne metta. Gli sviluppatori ci fanno sapere che hanno risolto anche qualche altro bug e che hanno implementato la precisione delle predizioni; nonostante tutto, in questa versione sono tutt'ora presenti alcuni bugs che, comunque, dovrebbero essere risolti per quando l'applicazione sarà rilasciata ufficialmente sul Play Store.
    Coloro che sono ansiosi di provare la nuova versione di Swiftkey, non devono che scaricare l’APK, valido per la versione per smartphone e per tablet in quanto le due versioni sono state unite per l’occasione. Troverete il link per il download a fine articolo. Intanto, ecco di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale:

    San Francisco, CA, October 17, 2013 — SwiftKey, the leading Android keyboard app, today announced public beta access to its latest version, dubbed ‘Layouts for Living’. The SwiftKey 4.3 update provides users with new keyboard layouts that can be resized and moved anywhere on a device, empowering people to type however they want to, regardless of screen size. Through extensive user experience (UX) testing and feedback, SwiftKey recognized that an increasing lack of distinction between the phone and tablet form factor means users are demanding more flexibility when they type. For example, commuters in cramped trains may want to type one-handed with their left thumb, while a professional writing a document on a tablet may want to type with both thumbs. SwiftKey’s latest update aims to adapt to everyday situations such as these as well as any number of others – it’s up to each user. With Layouts for Living, SwiftKey liberates users with a huge variety of layouts. “Allowing people to manipulate the location, size and layout of the keyboard not only makes it easier to type – it gives our users a more personalized way to interact with their technology and each other,” said co-founder and CTO Ben Medlock. “We are committed to creating world-class user experiences that marry our powerful language technology with interfaces that learn and adapt to each user’s needs.” In addition to being able to size and place the keyboard anywhere on the device, version 4.3 of SwiftKey also includes three preset keyboard modes: Compact: On many larger phones it can be difficult to enter text and hold the phone with just one hand. This new feature minimizes the width of the keyboard and allows for easier typing with one-hand or gesture typing using SwiftKey Flow. It also frees up more of the screen estate on tablets. Full: Users with large screens can now opt for a full-width keyboard with left-right cursor control keys and a backspace key above the “Enter” key. By placing the keys closer together, this new layout mimics the experience of two-handed typing on a physical keyboard. Thumb: For people typing on tablets in landscape and with wide phones in portrait the keyboard can be split into two sections, enabling fast, comfortable typing with both thumbs. Consistent Experience As devices of varying sizes continue to enter the market and the line between tablets and phones blur, a consistent SwiftKey experience is an ongoing priority for our fans. Listening to fan feedback, SwiftKey has merged the phone and tablet apps to eliminate guesswork as to which version of the app a user should purchase. With SwiftKey Layouts for Living, current and future customers can use one unified SwiftKey app across all Android devices. Leveraging SwiftKey Cloud, which was introduced in SwiftKey 4.2, the app also creates a cloud-based hub for each user’s personal language profile to be shared with any phone or device. SwiftKey Layouts for Living offers a beautiful user experience for all users, across all of their devices no matter the screen size. The SwiftKey Layouts for Living beta is available to the public now and can be downloaded at http://beta.swiftkey.net.
    DOWNLOAD SWIFTKEY: http://bit.ly/sklayoutbeta
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    Item Reviewed: Versione 4.3 Beta con nuovi layouts per Swiftkey Rating: 5 Reviewed By: frated77
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